Vadodara Property tax payment, Property details & Download bills


What is VMC Property Tax? VMC Property Tax is a local tax levied by the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) in the Indian state of Gujarat on residential and commercial properties within its city limits. Revenues collected are used to fund public services such as road maintenance, sanitation, and street lighting.

Who is liable to pay VMC property tax?

In Vadodara, the ultimate responsibility for paying VMC property tax lies with the property owner, irrespective of whether the property is occupied or rented out to a tenant.

Here’s a breakdown of the reasons:

  • Legal Ownership: VMC property tax bills are issued in the name of the owner listed in municipal records. This person is legally responsible for paying taxes.
  • Tenant Occupancy: The owner is responsible, but some leases may include a clause where the tenant agrees to pay the property taxes. This is a private agreement between the Owner and Tenant and VMC is not involved.

Factors affecting VMC property tax

Factors that affect VMC property taxes include

  • Location: Properties located in prime locations with good access to amenities and infrastructure typically have a higher location factor, resulting in higher VMC property taxes.
  • Age of building: Newer buildings are generally older than older buildings. This factor may decrease slightly as the building ages to reflect possible depreciation.
  • Use (Residential/Commercial): Residential properties have a lower base price per square meter compared to commercial properties. This reflects the understanding that commercial real estate can generate income and withstand higher tax burdens.

VMC property tax calculation

Here’s how to estimate VMC property taxes: Resources for determining tax rates:

Vadodara Municipal Corporation website: The VMC website may have a dedicated section for property tax information. This section may include tax calculators and details about basic tax rates and factors. Search for keywords like “property tax”, “assessment”, and “tax calculation” on the website of VMC (

VMC Helpline: VMC may provide a helpline number for property tax-related questions. Call our hotline and speak to a representative who can help you determine your tax rate.

How to Pay Vadodara Property Tax :

To pay Vadodara property tax, visit the official website when you scroll down you can see the option Citizen Services.

vadodara citizen services

When you click on services, you will get a page with a property tax option. click on property tax. You need to enter your census number to get the details. after you enter, you will get the bill details and make the payment

Vadodara property tax payment

If you don’t know/forgot your census number, you can get the details with the owner’s name. To get the details click on the search by owner option

Vadodara property search by owner name

click on search by owner, enter ward number, owner name, and address. you will get the property details and make the payment

If you want to know the property tax information, click on property tax information

vadodara property tax info

You can choose any one of these options, enter the required details to check the property information

To download the receipt, click on the download receipt option

Download receipt

Enter your census number to download the receipt

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is VMC Property Tax?

It’s a local tax on properties in Vadodara, Gujarat, used to fund city services like sanitation and streetlights.The property owner is responsible, even if the property is rented out.

How can I estimate how much I owe?

Check the Vadodara Municipal Corporation website ( or call their helpline for guidance.

How do I pay VMC Property Tax?

Visit the VMC website (, go to Citizen Services, and choose the “Property Tax” option. You’ll need your census number to access your bill and make a payment.

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