Hectare to Acre Convert Online

Hectare to Acre
Hectare to Acre

Area Converter

About Hectare

1 Hectare is equal to 2.47 Acres and is a typical unit of measurement for land. The area contained in a square with 100-meter sides is equivalent to 10,000 m². You can use simple calculations or a land-measuring unit calculator to convert hectares to other units of area measurement.

Hectare to Acre convertion formula
Acre = Hectare x 2.47

More information about the Hectare measuring unit

  • The word hectare (symbol ha) was derived from the Latin word “here”, which means “heir” or “inheritance”.
  • Hectare is used in India, Australia, Burma, Canada, the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries.
  • Approximately 600-800 trees may be planted per hectare on average. A football field (with end zones) is around 1.1 Hectares in size.
  • The SI unit is one hectare, which is equivalent to 10,000 square meters.

Value of Hectare in other units

Unit of AreaConversion Unit
1 Hectare2.47 acre
1 Hectare3.95 bigha
1 Hectare247.13 cent
1 Hectare247.13 dismil
1 Hectare79.73 biswa

About Acre

Several states in India, including Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi NCR, Rajasthan, Karnataka, and Maharashtra, commonly use the acre as a standard unit of measurement for large areas of land, especially in agriculture, where it measures 0.404 hectares.

The formula for converting acres to hectares

Hectare =Acre x 0.404

More information about the acre-measuring unit

  • Acre was once used to measure the amount of land that could be plowed by one man in one day.
  • Acre is one of the oldest units currently in use, and it is recognized in both the United States and the British imperial system of units.
  • Countries including Bangladesh, Canada, France, Germany, India, Jamaica, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka use the acre, with minor variations.
  • To put an acre into perspective, a football pitch is approximately 1.32 acres in size.

Value of Acre in other units

Unit of AreaConversion Unit
1 Acre0.404 hectare
1 Acre1.6 bigha
1 Acre100.01 cent
1 Acre32.0 katha
1 Acre40.0 guntha

Also, Know Other Conversions

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

1Q: How many acres are equal to 1 Hectare?

Ans: 2.47 Acres are equal to 1 Hectare.

2Q: What is the Formula of Convert Acre to Hectare?

Ans: Hectare =Acre x 0.404


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