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Rs 24,18,900

Property Features

  • 24 hours water
  • Children Play Area
  • Entrance Gate
  • Foot path
  • Park
  • Play Ground
  • underground drainage system
  • underground electricity

Price Per

  • 16500 PER SQ YARD


plots in shankarpally

✌?Sree Shankarpally Mega Venture in 100 acers.?By Swathi Promoters Pvt. Ltd.
1.The Venture is situated at 4 cross roads connecting to Vikarabad High way, Hyderabad via Shankarpally.Sangareddy NH9 connecting to Mumbai High way, connecting to Mominipet ORR to reach Sadasiv peta.
2. Our Site is on Sangareddy NH9 connecting to Mumbai High way. 100feet from the Sangareddy Road in Lush green, Eco friendly environment rich in pure water resources.
3.10 mts drive to Sahankarpally railway station
4. 30 mts drive to wipro and IT corridor.
5 20 mts drive to reach ICFAI CBIT Engineering Colleges and ISB.
5. 15 mts drive to reach BDL and 30 mts drive to reach BHEL
6. 20mts drive to reach ORR and 60mts drive to reach Air port.
7. The Venture is connected to Mokila wher thousands of Villas Row houses inhabited by rich Community.
8. Surrounded by many farm houses and Resorts like Pragathi, Lahari, etc. Ananthagiri Padmanabh temple Chilukur Balaji Temple.
UG Cables, under ground water lines with Sumps for every plot 25 feet Buddha statue and Buddha park , wide Roads as per Norms. Going to Model Mega city with High end aminities.
Peacefull, Healthy, wealthy place for Living or investment.

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plots in shankarpally

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  • ID: 26157
  • Published: September 13, 2023
  • Last Update: September 13, 2023
  • Views: 563
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